Saturday, May 5, 2012

a conversation tonight

Me and Matt have been enjoying the Public TV Auction that has been on this past week. We find ourselves sitting on the couch for hours laughing at everything from the overpriced "art" for sale to the beautiful Christmas cake pans. 
Our very favorite is the hand models. While the announcer describes the product for sale, in an over the top Wisconsin accent, the hand person gently caresses the side of whatever is for sale. These are mostly over make-uped middle aged women or one younger one named Christine. These hand models have absolutely no purpose what so ever, besides making us laugh. 
So, we have literally spent ours over the last few days watching these hand models and laughing. 

Tonight we were both laying on the couch watching the auction. After an especially big laugh we both turned silent and I said to Matt,
"I'm so glad I have someone that will watch the hand models with me and laugh."
Matt responded with,
"I thought you were the one watching it with me."

This is our marriage. Both of us thought the other was sitting there watching the horrific hand caressing because it made us happy. Really were both getting joy out the experience. 

I really love being married sometimes. We have so much fun, even if that means hand models and lazy Saturdays. 

I'm so glad I have someone to laugh with.