March 13th is a very special day to me.
March 13, 2009 Matt Stuessy asked me if I wanted to officially be his girlfriend as we drove down my driveway on our way to a long walk through the woods. It was Friday the 13th.
That weekend is one of my favorite stories. I had left him in Madison a week earlier, not knowing when I would ever see the person I was very quickly falling in love with. As happy as I was to be home from India and going back to my house in the north woods, I was scared to death of what the future was going to hold.
On Thursday the 12th I was going out to eat with my family at a favorite restaurant. I got a call as we were just sitting down. Matt asked me what I was doing and asked me when I would be home. I told him I would call him when I got home and shrugged it off. The minute we got home I ran to my room and called him. He seemed to be acting slightly weird. He asked me if my family would care if he came up for a visit. I said I didn't think so. That's when he said "good, cause I'm about 45 minutes away."
I ran downstairs to tell me my mom. I was so happy and so completely shocked.
The next day we became an official couple and that's when the rest of my life started.
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March 13, 2009 |
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March 13, 2010 |
March 13, 2011 was another fantastic day of my life. That was the day Matt Stuessy asked me to be his wife.
I set my alarm for 5:00am that day. I was so excited for my day long date with Matt in Milwaukee. I could barely fall asleep that night. That night happened to be the daylight savings time change. So, my alarm was set for 5:00, but it went off at 6:00. I was so mad. I jumped in the shower and in record time I had shaved my legs, curled my hair and painted my fingernails. Seriously, there is a chance I broke the sound barrier.
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all ready to go |
I was out the door at 7:00 and on my way to Milwaukee. I had downloaded a playlist for the day full of old and new love songs. I drove into the sunrise on my way to Milwaukee and my heart was singing with joy.
I called Matt as I got into the city and said "Surprise!"
I was a little earlier than he had expected. As I pulled up to his apartment he was standing in the cold. I got out of my car and Matt held out his hand and gave me a ugly heart shaped ring box. I laughed. What a weirdo, and inside was my favorite candy ever... Reeses!
ugly heart shaped box |
We got up into Matt's apartment and he decided that taking a shower was a good idea before our long day. I pulled out the computer and waited around for him. As my gaze perused his tiny little studio I happened upon another small box. I peeked into this one and discovered MORE candy. I giggled.
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number 2 |
Once my man was clean and ready to go we hopped in the car and both got our favorite morning meal. McDonalds sausage, egg and cheese bagel. And since it was a special occasion we got ORANGE JUICE.
Then we drove to the zoo. The air had a touch of warmth to it and the sun was shining it's brightest as we toured through all the best animals. We saw penguins and monkeys and hippos and of course GIRAFFES. (my favorite) As we sat on a bench watching the giraffes Matt put his arm around me and ta-da, another box.
3rd box: tiny hedgehog |
After we left the zoo it was off to the public museum. my favorite! There was the traveling mummy exhibit in town. I had been looking forward to the mummies for months! We explored the museum and then it was mummy time. As we stared at the remains of a really, really old Egyptian priest Matt pulled out another box with more candy, which was risky as we had been warned NO FOOD whatsoever in he exhibit.
4th box: contraband mummy candy |
After the museum it was time for dinner. My choice between Italian, Indian and sushi. I decided on the sushi. It was the best meal of my entire life. I kid you not! BEST EVER! after the meal I asked for my next box and Matt slid one across the table.
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5th box: possibly my second favorite |
I was getting pretty tired at this point. Matt decided to take me at a place where people go to watch planes take off by the airport. It was cool in theory. But, since there were no planes taking off on that side of the airport and since the fact that there were dark parked cars still running with people inside was creeping me out a little we didn't stay long. But he did give me another box.
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box 6: had a little squirrel |
Then it was off to bowling. We found a slightly white trash bowling alley/bar. It was perfect. We played 2 or maybe 3 games and at that point my eyes started to shut without me telling them to. And sadly, there wasn't enough boxes for the bowling alley.
I was begging Matt to let me sleep at this point. But, he wanted to take me to one more place. He promised it wouldn't take long. It was cold and late at this point. The streets were empty as we drove into the 3rd Ward, my favorite place in Milwaukee.
I was not exactly dressed for arctic hiking and so Matt let me wear his sweatshirt under my coat. My poor legs had only thin leggings to warm them. But, I was rewarded with a beautiful moonlit river scene. We walked along the boardwalk and peeped into the lit apartments on the other side of the river. It was magical and I really, really want to live there. We walked all the way down to where the boardwalk ends. There was a ramp that spiraled up and then ended. It gave a beautiful view of the river and downtown as well. I asked Matt when he was gonna give me my present. I had already given him his (a record). He had told me that he was making me something for my present. I was dying to see what it was. He said ok, and pulled out an envelope with my name on it. I asked if he made paper? No, he made the words on the paper. haha.
It was a love letter. The love letter I had been asking for for more than a year. Matt is not super smooth with writing so he tends to avoid that kind of thing. I am not at all the same and love words and letters. So, this was indeed an amazing present. I have never in my life been told such lovely and beautiful and perfect things.
When I finished I gave him a hug and he pulled me away and asked which way I would rather be facing. I told him toward downtown. He turned my shoulders, took a step back and got down on one knee.
He pulled out a shimmery diamond and said those most magical words
"Hattie, will you marry me?"
I paused for a few moments. I paused only because I told him I would whenever I was proposed to. It is a matter of principle for me. Take a moment to think before you answer the most important question you will ever answer.
I did, but had no thoughts. Only YES, YES, YES!!!
Then I said it,
"Yes I will."
The ring was more beautiful than anything I could have ever imagined. EVER.
Then I called Kristin.
We walked back to the car and I could only stare at my left hand. It was perfect. Life was perfect. If only for a day my life was absolutely, in every way, possible perfect.
That night I laid in Matt's extra mattress so tired and so awake. I could feel the ring no matter how I laid. It was there and it kept me awake.
When I opened my eyes the next morning the first thing I thought was, my ring. It was still there. I laid in bed for at least 30 minutes just starring at it.
I swore it would never, ever get old.
It hasn't.
admiring the new bling |
March 13, 2011 |
Now we have been married for 5 months and 5 days. We are what some would call an old married couple. We saw each other for about 4 hours total today and all 4 of those hours were spent being grumpy and tired. But, in it's own way 2012 is the best March 13th ever. We know who we are and we know we are loved. Even though the day wasn't filled with flowers and love notes and romantic music it was full of love. It is the best feeling ever, to know nothing needs to be proved, everything has been said and nothing will ever change.
Happy March 13th world.
Happy 3 years together.
Happy 1 year engaged.
Happy because so many more are to come.
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March 13, 2012 |
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