On Easter Sunday me and Matt celebrated our 1/2 anniversary.
I can't believe we are half way to our first anniversary. People who have been married over a year are old and boring. (ha,ha) In October I could never imagine being married for a year. I couldn't even imagine being married for 6 months.
I can, however, honestly say that I feel the same. A week after our wedding I pretty much felt the same as before I got married though. I think this is just because me and Matt were so close before. The only thing I felt that changed was that at the end of the night neither one of us had to "go home".
I do very much enjoy living with Matt. If anything has changed it is the fact that I love him more and know him even better.
Me and Matt spend all our time together. Like... all of it.
If we aren't in class or working at school we are home together, or at the grocery store together, or driving to one of our parent's house together.
I never thought I could spend this much time with one person and not be completely tired of them. NEVER.
But, I absolutely can.
So, in honor of 6 months I am going to tell you about my top 10 favorite parts of my wedding day. (probably)
In no particular order:
1. being with my absolute best friends all morning and being so utterly girly it is slightly sickening.
I mean, how often do you get to spend the day with all your favorite people?

2. watching my guests mingle in the last few moments of being alone before the ceremony.
This was just about my only time alone, and this was also the only time I actually cried on my wedding day. I just couldn't believe al these people were here because they loved me.
(good thing I had a moment to fix my makeup)
3. talking to my dad while waiting for our turn to walk down the aisle.
I can't tell you exactly what we talked about but I will tell you it had to do with underwear. It wasn't so much the actual talk, but it was special to me because I know he was doing it to calm himself and me and it was the last thing I ever did before I got married.
(I don't have an actual picture of the moment because we were alone, but this is us just after walking down the aisle)
4. After we walked back up the aisle Matt grabbed me and pulled me into the garage and gave me a huge kiss.
It may be my absolute favorite moment of the whole day. Matt doesn't usually show great amounts of emotion, but at that moment he was so super excited it was too cute. And, it was a great first alone married moment and GREAT kiss!
(again, no moments of that exact moment... but this is us just married!)
5. It may seem obvious, but actually saying the vows.
We chose to say traditional vows. The reason we did this, is because they are special. You will never say them any other time. I mean, writing your own vows is fine if that is you, but I just think that you can always write each other love letters. I will never say, "for richer or poorer" or "in sickness and health". My favorite, of course, being... "to love and cherish". I thought a lot about those words before I got married. They mean so much to me and I was so excited to be saying them and being so very sure that I meant every single word.
how great is this view of us saying out vows |
6. Dancing with the two most important men in my life.
Of course I loved dancing with my dad. He is a great dancer, and he is my dad. I barely had to think about what I was doing. Dancing with Matt was a little different. We were terrible. I didn't even care. I was gliding (or trying to) around the floor in my husband's arms. I will admit to being slightly relieved when it was over. Don't worry though, we danced later when everyone wasn't watching and had more fun.
7. seeing all the decorations all set up and more beautiful than I could have ever imagined.
My mom did most of the work. I will admit I was taking it hard for awhile. I felt like there was barely time for me to do anything, and I was worried that the wedding would not be what I wanted it to be. I don't know why I was worried. My mom is a genius, and so is everyone else who helped. My flowers also blew me away and I loved them more than I ever thought I could. I LOVED it so much!
8. The final dance of the night.
The last song we danced to is a personal favorite of me and my sister. (Party Rock Anthem) We
had even practiced prior to the event. My whole family got out on the floor. My sister, my mom, my grandma, my cousins, everyone. It was the best way the celebration of my new life could have ended. I felt so loved to know that all those closest to me were happy for me. It was also good to know that some things would never change.
(these are just some good dancing moments)
dancing with grandma |
time for the polka |
me and my sister have a long history of some epic dancing moments, usually in our kitchen
9. Saying goodbye to my parents.
When we left the reception I was in SUCH a daze. I literally didn't know what was happening. I don't know what I said to anyone. I didn't smile for any pictures. I was so happy and so tired. I just got in the car and drove. We went back to my house to pack up our stuff before we left for Green Bay. I realized I hadn't even said goodbye to my parents. They had just given me and best present in my life and I didn't even say goodbye. Well, we were driving down our driveway and at the very end there were my parents. They were just getting home as we were leaving. I got out of the car and gave both of them huge hugs. I had to work really hard to get the words out my throat was so tight. It was a great last moment. I love them.
(again, not a picture of that moment... but a pretty good one) |
10. God
God gave me the most special present of my whole life thus far. I woke up and walked outside and could not believe the day God gave me. Planning a wedding in October in the UP is always a gamble, but I went for my dream and look what I got! It was 80 degrees with a slight breeze. The leaves were absolutely peak color. It was probably the best weather of the whole year. As we said our vows a breeze came and made the tall pines sway above us. I have never felt more love from my daddy God. To this day I can look back and feel special. I have a great father. He loves me more than I could ever imagine. He was there with me and I know He had a great time too. It was my favorite wedding gift, and I will always feel blessed when I think about it. I'm so glad He could be there with us.
Could I ask for anything more?