Week 15 seems like a big milestone to both me and Matt. It is just such a big number. Perhaps this is because if we wanted to we could find out the gender of our baby as early as next week. Unfortunately we won't be able to find out the gender until May 17th, or week 21.
This week our baby is able to sense light through his fused eyelids, he is forming taste buds, he is practicing breathing by moving amniotic fluid through his nose, he can wiggle his fingers and toes, and the hair on his head is starting to grow. (like I said I don't know if it is a boy, I just don't like saying "it")
How far along? 15 weeks, 2 days
Total weight gain: still at about 2lbs
Showing? yep, there is finally a true baby bump there. It is still small, but I can no longer suck it in at all and it is much harder than last week. Also, I am looking so much less fat and so much more pregnant. Hooray!
Maternity clothes? maternity pants every day still and now I wear tighter shirts because then I don't look fat, but pregnant instead. I can't wait for it to be a little warmer so I can start wearing dresses. I am getting slightly sick of my two pairs of maternity jeans that I have been wearing every day for a month now.
Baby Items bought? baby chucks! well, we didn't actually buy them, but someone on Craigslist, a mile from out house, was giving them away. Matt went over there and got them and they are great. Pretty much new, except they smell like they were stored for awhile. A little airing out and some febreeze and they will be good as new.
Stretch marks? none for now, I have been putting some aveeno lotion on in the morning, all over because my skin is so dry.
Sleep: It has been fine, no complaints.
Best moment this week: I'm not sure. I don't know if I would call it the best, but the funniest moment was when someone was checking out my belly and then after I told them I was pregnant they told me they were 99% sure I was.
Miss Anything? nope.
Movement: none, and I am so excited for it to happen. It could be any day now, or it could be weeks from now.
Food cravings: not really. However, I am not turning all this Easter candy down.
Anything making you queasy or sick: still brushing my teeth makes me almost throw up and my semi solid coffee creamer made me throw up in my mouth a little bit today.
Gender: like I said, we won't know until May 17th. I still have a boy vibe.
Labor Signs: nada
Symptoms: well, here is a weird one... whenever I pee I have really sharp pain in my abdomen, like a crampy feeling. I am assuming it is round ligament pain and when my bladder empties things shift. Besides that annoying one, just feeling more tired than normal sometimes.
Belly Button in or out? in as can be
Wedding rings on or off? on as ever
Happy or Moody most of the time: still mostly happy
Looking forward to: feeling the baby... and knowing the gender in 5.5 weeks.
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