Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Party Time!

There are perks to having children. I think perhaps the biggest perk is that now it is socially acceptable to relive my favorite parts of my own childhood. Building sand castles, trips to the zoo and the circus, making up silly games, going sledding and swinging in the park and of course birthday parties.

Didn't you love birthday parties? I did. My mom was a master at birthday parties. Fun themes, games, crafts, snacks and amazing cake. Along the way birthday parties sort of become uncool. Pretty soon it is all replaced by simply "hanging out". If I could only go back to the good old days when my mom would plan a magical day of surprises and laughing.

Of course, it is too late for me. But ah, the magic of parenthood,

My child shall have marvelous parties, as I'm sure my mother said before me and her mother said before her and generations of mothers have been saying for decades. So, maybe birthday parties are as much fun for the parents as they are for the kids. Almost. And one day Charlotte will have a baby and she will remember all the fun she had at her birthday parties and the cycle will continue as it should and probably always will.

Charlotte will be one year old in September and I have started planning her birthday party. It will really only be family and a few close friends. But, come Hell or high water it will be beautiful. She won't understand what is happening, but I will. And really, isn't it all about Matt and I anyway? Isn't it really just a party to celebrate the fact that we have kept a separate human alive for an entire year? We were the ones doing all the work anyway. When Charlotte is older she can have a princess or a fireman or a zoo birthday party and that will also be beautiful. But, this year mama gets to choose and I choose coral and gold.

A few sneak peaks for your viewing pleasure.



I have high hopes for this party. Perhaps my true test as a mom?

We'll see if I'm a fit mother.


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